Saturday, December 15, 2012

Matched by Ally Condie

The Matched Series by Ally Condie include the books: Matched, Crossed, and Reached.

In Matched you meet Cassia who lives in a high tech, security filled, odd world. Cassia has a great mind which is frowned upon by the higher ups of the world she lives in. Everyone is to keep to their daily schedule, eat their perfectly rationed food, and never step out of line. Cassia is headed to her Matching ceremony, where she will find out who she is to marry and raise a family with, in the beginning of the book. She gets matched to who she thought and hoped she would but there has been a mistake and there are two people on her microcard. Xander, who Cassia has grown up with and known all her life is suppose to be her match, but why did Ky show up on her microcard too?

This is the first book I had read of Ally Condie's and it was AMAZING! I have also read Crossed and Reached, which are just as good if not better, than Matched. The story of Cassia and everything she does is truly wonderful.

I highly recommend the Matched series by Ally Condie.

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